American Legion Post 123, the only post on Sanibel and Captiva Islands, is excited to announce that it plans to reopen its Tiki Bar on August 5 and sixth from 11 AM to 5 PM. The Tiki Bar will offer burgers, hotdogs, and pulled pork for the guests to enjoy while relaxing in the tropical atmosphere.
American Legion Post 123 is a full service post that serves both veterans and the public.
The Tiki Bar is one of the post’s popular attractions as it offers a casual and fun, setting to socialize and have a drink.
The Tiki Bar was closed due to the storm but thanks for the efforts of the Post board members and volunteers, it is ready to welcome back guests!
“We are delighted to reopen our Tiki Bar, and to serve our delicious food to our guest,” said John Hird, the commander of the American Legion Post 123. “We are missing our regulars and meeting new people at our post. We invite everyone to come out and join us at the Tiki Bar on August 5 and sixth and support our post and our veterans.”
For more information about our American Legion Post 123, please visit their Facebook page.