Opening Thursday, March 18, in the Dunham Gallery at BIG ARTS, a unique photography exhibit titled “Urban Layers” by Aida Tajada, will be shown through Sunday, April 25. Hours of the exhibit are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 9 a..m. to 1 p,m. Saturday and Sunday. Masks are required and there is a 25 person limit in the gallery. The virtual gallery will be available starting March 24, for the run of the show, on
I asked Aida to give us an idea of what will be in the exhibit. She said, “I will present the latest project I’ve been working on during the last five years. It is a series of experimental processes that allow me to explore the medium of photo collages in order to tell my stories.”
When asked what she wants people to remember about her work she said, “I would like to see people taking an introspective look at their own inner thoughts, specifically the role we give ourselves to navigate our “civilized” urban landscapes.”
She went on to describe what she means by Urban Layers. She said, “The human being, as the dominant species, placed urban society as part of a logical path to civilization, creating not only new social tensions but also an extensive and intensive environmental impact. This designed life, like a whirlwind, drags us with indifference into an automated mass; individual thought is ejected from our perceived plane of action. In this condition we lose the connection between humanity and nature, a bridge we inherited from the animals. In our blinding infatuation to be self-labeled as “superior beings,” we force ourselves into a vicious circle. We become executioners and victims of our own actions. Our footprint is bold and the future is blurry. The images I work with stem from everyday observation of the human condition and the interaction with its surroundings.
“The concept of time and space is captured within the acrylic skin I create as a series of epidermal layers. The process becomes a metaphor for human skin, created from individual cells into the shape of a living being, with all its flaws and irregularities. Through their imperfections, I have made a personal ontology that expresses my doubt about assumptions that we exist as a ‘civilized’ species.”
BIG ARTS has enhanced its air filtration system and sanitizing procedures. Masks and social distancing are required. BIG ARTS is located at 900 Dunlop Road on Sanibel. For more information, call 395-0900, or visit
BIG ARTS, established in 1979, is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing quality artistic, cultural and educational experiences to Sanibel and Captiva residents and visitors. Visit to learn more about our 2021 Season, and don’t forget to visit us on Facebook!
BIG ARTS is practicing the highest standards of safety during this challenging time. All visitors are required to wear masks throughout the facility. Please be sure to put on your mask before entering the building. We ask that you are mindful of physical distancing. With physical distancing precautions in mind, BIG ARTS is selling only 50% of the seats in Christensen Performance Hall. Until further notice, only 200 seats will be available for any event in the Hall, and a maximum of 25 people will be allowed in the gallery at any given time. BIG ARTS has enhanced its air filtration system, all surfaces are wiped down between use, a professional sanitation fogger is being used after each gathering, and there are hand sanitation “stations” throughout the ground floor.