Close to 25 volunteers from the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva showed up at a CHR property on a sunny Saturday morning with rakes, shovels & gloves at the ready.
“Service above self is our motto.” That’s what president elect Don McDonald explained. “We can bring a more vibrant environment to Sanibel after Hurricane Ian.”

By noon, the courtyard was transformed from overgrown weeds and rubbish to a lovely landscape.

Sanibel Rotarian & CHR board president Roger Grogman spoke from his heart when he said, “Our commitment is deeper than just a membership in a club. We are happy to be a part of the rebirth for CHR.”

On behalf of all of our residents, CHR executive director Nicole Decker-McHale would like all the volunteers to know how much we appreciate their efforts.
Please check our website for more info on how to help CHR at