The 2020 sea turtle season officially ended on Oct. 31, with the last remaining green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) nest inventoried on Oct. 29. It was a banner nesting year, with many highlights and several broken records for loggerheads (Caretta caretta) and leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea):
· Earliest sea turtle crawl (leatherback, April 1)
· Earliest loggerhead nest (April 15)
· Most loggerhead nests on Sanibel (660) and Captiva (266)
· Most total nests combined (loggerhead, green, leatherback)
· Tracked 3 loggerheads via satellite transmitter
· Most leatherback nests on Sanibel (4) and Captiva (2)
· Encountered Juniper the leatherback four times, tracked via satellite transmitter (in collaboration with Florida Leatherbacks, Inc.)
· Emerged hatchlings: 33,825
· First successful leatherback nest on Captiva: 56 hatchlings, one pictured above
For more information tune in to SCCF’s Land. Water. Wildlife. podcast. On one episode, Shorebird Biologist Audrey Albrecht talks about the shorebird nesting season, and in a recently recorded episode, the Sea Turtle Program scientists discuss the sea turtle nesting season in depth. |