The season of Lent, 40 days not including Sundays, begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021.


The Historic Captiva Chapel by the Sea will host an outdoor service at noon that day which will include Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes.   Rev Larry Marshall, pastor of the Chapel by the Sea, said, ” for Christians’s all over the world.  Lent is a time of self reflection and renewal.   It’s an opportunity to approach the God who loves us unconditionally.”


The chapel will also host a weekly bible study on Tuesday mornings at 10:00AM.  The discussion/study group is open to all and there is no cost involved.  Wearing a mask and social distancing is mandatory at all services.


At Noon on two Wednesdays, March 3 and March 17, the chapel will celebrate a Taize service.  The Taize service is a meditative service modeled after the religious community in Taize, France.  The quiet, worshipful experience will include contemplation, prayer, communion and lighting a candle for prayer intensions.


On Palm Sunday, March 28, the chapel’s 11:00AM outdoor service will commemorate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.

On Maundy/Holy Thursday, April 1st, parishioners remember Jesus’ last supper with a service of Holy Communion at 4:00PM.

Good Friday, April 2, the day on which Jesus died, will be celebrated with a service at Noon.

Easter Sunday, April 4, services to be announced


Outdoor services at the Captiva Chapel are held at 11:00AM from the second Sunday in November to the last Sunday in April.   Most Sundays (when it’s not too chilly – 55 degrees here) we are welcoming over 125 people to worship with Rev. Marshall.  Video services are offered Sundays at 11:00AM each week on    Click on “Watch Online” tab at top of first page.  Current week and all services since opening November 8 are there.     We are averaging over 100 viewers per week on the website which includes guests singers.


Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Captiva Chapel by the Sea, ocated at 11580 Chapin Lane on Captiva.