Application deadline is March 31, 2022 for several scholarships amounting to more than $20,000 from the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge (DDWS). Ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 each, the scholarships are available to high school seniors, college students, and graduate students in or from Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry, and Glades counties pursuing degrees in environmental-related studies.
DDWS will award the scholarships at a special ceremony at the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island in June 2022, if prevailing pandemic guidelines permit.
Now in its 16th year, the DDWS scholarship program presented its first awards in 2006, donated by Tarpon Bay Explorers, the refuge’s official recreation concession. To date, the program has awarded nearly $200,000.
Interested students can find more information and printable application forms at <> .
To learn more about the scholarship program and establishing a permanently endowed scholarship, contact Birgie Miller at 239-472-1100 ext. 4 or [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .
Named scholarships to date for 2022 include:
* Richard Bailey Memorial Scholarships
* Mike & Terry Baldwin Scholarship
* Dr. Andrew & Laura Dahlem Scholarship
* Dr. H. Randall Deming Scholarship for Conservation and Environmental Studies, a permanently endowed scholarship
* “Ding” Darling Conservation Scholarship
* Hans & Leslie Fleischner Scholarship
* Mary Elaine Jacobson Memorial Scholarship
* Win & Marilyn Kloosterman Education Scholarship, a permanently endowed scholarship
* Francine & Barry Litofsky Scholarship
* Tarpon Bay Explorers Scholarships
* Jane Werner Environmental Scholarship, DDWS’ first permanently endowed scholarship
As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, DDWS works to support J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge’s mission of conservation, wildlife and habitat protection, research, and public education through charitable donations and Refuge Nature Shop profits.
To support DDWS and the refuge with a tax-deductible gift, visit <> or contact Birgie Miller at 239-472-1100 ext. 4 or [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .