February 18, 2021 – Some new educational entertainment is available on the Sanibel Historical Village’s website, www.sanibelmuseum.org.
First, the Gavin brothers, Eugene and Ken, visited the village for a Volunteer Update event to talk about black history on Sanibel. It is very informative and sometimes surprising. To view the video, go to www.sanibelmuseum.org, then click on “Volunteers,” then “Volunteer Updates” (or go right to https://sanibelmuseum.org/volunteer-updates/).
Second, the “Fish (& Fishy!) Stories of Sanibel” Twilight Talk featuring Jim Pickens, Ray Rhodes, and Ty Symroski is a must-see with lots of laughs. Go to www.sanibelmuseum.org, then click on “News,” then “Twilight Talks” (or go right to https://sanibelmuseum.org/twilight-talks/).
These events are being held in compliance with CDC guidelines, with masks and social distancing required. “Our Volunteer Updates are done without a live audience due to the virus, so our guests are speaking just to the camera and the moderator,” said Emilie Alfino, executive director. “I think it makes it a little harder for them, but it has been working out very well for our audience.” Twilight Talks this year have been held outdoors with fewer than 50 people attending to allow for social distancing.
The next Volunteer Update will be about The Algiers, and the video will be available by mid-March. “We are postponing future Twilight Talks to early next year, hoping we can have a larger – and live – audience at that time,” Alfino said.
The Sanibel Historical Village is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. The village is located at 950 Dunlop Road (next to BIG ARTS). Admission is $10 for adults 18 and older; those under 18 and members are free. Due to the COVID pandemic, docent-guided tours are available by reservation only for groups of no less than six and no more than 10 and are based upon docent availability. All CDC guidelines are being followed, with masks required and social distancing in practice. There is handicap access at the village. For information, call 472-4648 during business hours or visit www.sanibelmuseum.org.