This past week we welcomed Lisa Riordan from Protect Captiva Coalition. She shared with us important information on the land use changes in Lee County.
In the early 1970’s, developers of South Seas Island Resort requested that Lee County downzone the property and limit its development potential. Rather than 3,900 units as the county has permitted, South Seas requested only three units per acre which would result in only 912 units at the resort. In 2003, South Seas tried to increase the number of units allowed. After much resistance, a Settlement Agreement between the Captiva Civic Association, CCA, and the county maintained that “the total number of dwelling units on South Seas Resort is limited to 912” and that “no building permits may be issued . . . that will cause that number to be exceeded at any time.”
However, again, South Seas Island Resort is trying to increase the density limit, only this time for an additional 196 condominiums and 435 additional hotel rooms with and increased height of 64 feet. Enter: Protect Captiva Coalition. This group is fighting to do exactly that, protecting Captiva. Protect Captiva is a coalition of businesses, residents, tourists, and organizations on both Captiva and Sanibel, who have come together to oppose this proposal which would make significant changes to the land use policy in both density and height restrictions.
Sanibel and Captiva are known for their beautiful beaches and natural environments that are now being threatened by over-construction that would have devastating effects on the wildlife on land and water. Adding almost 3 times the density that is there today would do just that.
Lisa Riordan first visited Captiva more than 40 years ago and has been a Captiva resident since 2012. Lisa currently serves on the Board of Directors for both the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation and the Charitable Foundation of the Islands. Lisa will serve as CFI’s Chair beginning January 2025. In 2015, she was also invited to join the Board of Governors of the Captiva Civic Association and served as the President for 3 years before serving as Treasurer. She was appointed to the Captiva Civic Association (CCA) Foundation Board of Governors, the fund-raising vehicle of the Civic Association, in 2017 and continues to serve there as President.
Lisa has been instrumental in organizing the Protect Captiva Coalition as part of her role as President of the CCA Foundation Board of Governors. The Protect Captiva Coalition was established in June 2023 and includes more than 13,000 residents, organizations, and other individuals who are opposed to this shortsighted plan that will forever change the character and safety of Captiva.
Protect Captiva Coalition invites you to join them in the fight against these land use changes. You are encouraged to contact your county commissioner and tell them that you are opposed to these changes. For more information, you can visit their website
The Sanibel-Captiva Rotary will be holding hybrid meetings both on Zoom and in person at the Community House, 2173 Periwinkle Way. Doors open at 7:30 a.m., the meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. For more information about Rotary, please visit All are welcome!