Managed by Hilton Grand Vacations (HGV), the iconic Hurricane House resort held a soft opening in early April and, on May 6, celebrated with a SanCap Chamber ribbon-cutting at its restored location at 2939 West Gulf Drive on Sanibel Island.

Severe damage to the 14-unit, timeshare property required a strip-down to studs and all new roofs, windows, and doors. A new pool deck and landscaping are in the works, along with the return of other amenities. For the time being, returning owners and guests of the two-bedroom condos enjoy pool, tennis, and golf privileges at The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club on Sanibel.

Hilton Grand Vacations manages four other timeshare resorts along with Hurricane House on Sanibel Island and does timeshare management, rentals, and resales. In January, the chamber celebrated the firm’s Sanibel office reopening at 2460 Palm Ridge Rd.

“Being based in hospitality, the chamber has always been an exceptional partner, not only to HGV, but to all the businesses on Sanibel,” said Kevin Speidel, senior vice president of resort operations. “So many people from all walks of life have had a special moment or two on Sanibel at one time or another, and the chamber has done a great job of subtly reminding people of those memories in all of the promotions they do.”

“Another coastal resort property on the books is a great cause for celebration,” said John Lai, chamber president and CEO. “We congratulate Hilton Grand Vacations for its efforts in keeping up the recovery momentum by bolstering the islands’ accommodations census.”


The SanCap Chamber is dedicated to promoting the prosperity of its members and preserving the quality of life of our community. The Chamber plays a key role in facilitating communication and cooperation between business, residents, and government to enhance the economic health of the islands. Its website,, receives over 1.3 million visits per year. For more information about the chamber, visit or contact John Lai, president and CEO, at 239-472-2348 or [email protected].