The relationship between the Sanibel Public Library and the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium continues to strengthen after decades of partnership.


After reconstruction work began at the Museum following the impacts of Hurricane Ian, the Museum’s photography exhibition titled In the Wake of the Flood: Community Photographs of Hurricane Ian and Its Aftermath was moved to the Sanibel Public Library for viewing from June of 2023 through April of 2024.


Now, the partnership continues to evolve as Matt Gindling, Eden Sherman, and Shelby Stuebner from the Sanibel Public Library have recently begun working to reorganize the books within the Margaret Thorsen Library at the Museum, which has an extensive collection of scientific and popular books, scientific journals, and shell-club newsletters from around the world. Most of the holdings are available for inter-library loan through the OCLS WorldCat system and the Sanibel Public Library, which hosts the Margaret Thorsen Library holdings online.


“The Sanibel Public Library enjoys assisting the Shell Museum in providing accessibility to all who are interested in the study, research, and understanding of the seashells of Sanibel and the world,” said Eden Sherman, Sanibel Public Library Circulation & Interlibrary Loan Services Coordinator. “We are proud to be part of the effort to re-open this vital resource for our community.”


The support provided by the Sanibel Public Library to the Margaret Thorsen Library at the Museum goes back a long way. In the 1990s, the Sanibel Public Library assumed the task of updating the Museum’s library catalog, which was created thanks to a grant from the Southwest Florida Library Network. For many years Candy Heise, reference librarian at the Sanibel Public Library, was one of the most active Museum library volunteers, working on one of her free days with Sanibelian Cindy Timm to update, organize, and catalog the Museum holdings.


Following Hurricane Ian, the Museum is helping the Sanibel Public Library with shell care and identification, as the Library’s lobby shell exhibits were heavily damaged during the storm and staff work to put them back together.


“The Museum is so appreciative of the Sanibel Public Library staff’s work and collaboration,” said Sam Ankerson, National Shell Museum & Aquarium Executive Director. ‘’They are getting a valuable public resource back in shape at the Museum, and we are glad to help as we can with their beautiful shell exhibits.’’


Learn more about resident and visitor library cards by stopping by the Sanibel Public Library or visiting Enjoy in-person access to the Margaret Thorsen Library by becoming a member of the National Shell Museum & Aquarium at