When you think of the word Oikos, many of us will think of tasty yogurt. The Greek word Oikos in English means “household” or “home”. In English, “household” connotes the nuclear family. In Greek however, its usage is broader and encompasses family, neighbors, coworkers, and friends, and those with whom we come into regular contact. The word “Eco” comes from the Greek word oikos. Ecology is the study of home, while economics is the management of home. This lends itself to the idea that  in order to have a prosperous economy and a healthy ecosystem, you have to have a healthy household. Enter Oikos Food Buyer’s Club of North Fort Myers.


Oikos Food Buyer’s Club is a private membership based association that is basically an on-line farmers market. They source from local farmers who are committed to the highest standards of organic, non-GMO, pasture-raised and regenerative agricultural practices aka the healthy food we should all be consuming. Oikos uses the collective buying power of the club to negotiate wholesale prices from our local farmers, saving you time and energy from running to several different locations, farmers markets and farms to buy the clean food you want for you and your family. You, as a member, are investing in local farms which in turn supports and positively impacts our local ecology and economy. Who knew all that power was in one little word? Oikos, when you know better you do better!


The Sanibel-Captiva Rotary holds meetings both on Zoom and in person at the Community House, 2173 Periwinkle Way. Doors open at 7:30 a.m., the meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. For more information about Rotary, please visit sanibelrotary.org. All are welcome!