March 11, 2021 – Some new educational entertainment is available on the Sanibel Historical Village’s website,

The Twilight Talk “Taking a Bite Out of Sanibel: The Mosquito Story” featuring Andrea Miller and Eric Jackson of the Lee County Mosquito Control District is full of history, information, and advice on dealing with one of Sanibel’s frequent, and not much appreciated, guests. Go to, then click on “News,” then “Twilight Talks” (or go right to

This event was held in compliance with CDC guidelines, with masks and social distancing required. “Our Twilight Talks are being held outdoors on the Village grounds with audience members socially distanced and wearing masks,” said Emilie Alfino, executive director. “About 40 people were able to attend in person, and we hope many more will watch the video on our website.”

Coming soon is a video of the Village’s Volunteer Update about the Algiers, including information that has not been shared before.

The Sanibel Historical Village is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. The village is located at 950 Dunlop Road (next to BIG ARTS). Admission is $10 for adults 18 and older; those under 18 and members are free. Due to the COVID pandemic, docent-guided tours are available by reservation only for groups of no less than six and no more than 10 and are based upon docent availability. All CDC guidelines are being followed, with masks required and social distancing in practice. There is handicap access at the village. For information, call 472-4648 during business hours or visit